Band Art & Logos
I have had the privilege to work with many great musicians, entrepreneurs and companies over the years and always enjoy the challenge. I have created posters, stickers, t-shirts, cd covers, and promotional illustrations for internationally renowned bands like Karma To Burn and Year Long Disaster, and have designed logos, brands and merchandise for many local and international businesses.
Here are a few items that I am particularly proud of!
Karma To Burn
A decades-spanning collaboration that began in 2000 and resulted in multiple albums, a gajillion posters, tshirts & stickers, and some damn good times. (…and what a long, strange trip it’s been.)
Love you, Will. See you in the next one.
More Tunes
A wee handful of other rockin’ projects.
Plus Iron Man looking particularly fashionable…
Logos, Brands & Random Merch
Just a sampling of the eclectic collection of merchandise and logos created for businesses and restaurants located in all corners of the world!